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Our Water Inspections Include

Well Inspections

Planning on buying a house? Have Professional Pump Service complete a well inspection. It could save you thousands in the long run!

Water Tanks

Draining and flushing pressure tank. Checking air charge in pressure tank. Checking all fittings on pressure tank. Checking exterior integrity.

Water Pumps

Checking water well pumps electrically. We evaluate the pump to insure the proper shorts-to-ground level, continuity, and amps size. We will inspect the control systems.

Water Treatment

Checking all water treatment units. We will cycle the unit, check the media levels, check the piston and evaluate the seals on valves. Additionally, we will make sure all timers are working as they should.

Water Wells

First, we check the static water level in the well using a State of the Art well sounder. Next, we use a Recovery Test to determine how much water the well provides. Lastly, we inspect the well casing to ensure its integrity. We will check the water well cap to ensure it is up to code. We will assess the well cap to be sure it does not have any cracks, chips or other issues.

Water Testing

We recommend having your water tested for:

To obtain these results, we will send the samples out to a third party for analysis. Extra charges may apply.
Additionally, we can test for radon-in-air.


Checking all water treatment units to ensure proper water levels. Specializing in water testing, tanks, pumps, wells and treatments.